Case Study – Heavy Reel Lifting using Logitrans Reel Lifter
Project Details:
Donaldson is a global leader in the filtration industry. Donaldson’s UAE manufacturing facility was looking for a portable and ergonomic solution to lift heavy reels of paper. The lifter should be able to lift, tilt the roll to 90 degree and then load the roll into the desired location. The max weight was 320 Kgs.
Modern Eastern offered a customized Reel Lifter designed by Logitrans Denmark which would be able to lift, tilt and roll these heavy rolls and then load the rolls into the desired location. A completely electric powered model was provided which completely eliminated manual lifting by the operator and provided a safe and ergonomic reel lifting solution. The lifter’s arms were designed to ensure there was no damage to the filter media while lifting.
Interested in a similar or a custom made solution for your factory? Please contact us for a free consultation.