Case Study –Sack lifting with TAWI Vacuum Lifter at Avient Jeddah Factory
Project Details:
Avient Corporation is a global manufacturer of specialized polymer materials headquartered in Avon Lake, Ohio. Its products include thermoplastic compounds, plastic colorants and additives, thermoplastic resins, vinyl resins, thermoplastic composites and specialty thermoset composite materials. Avient’s Jeddah branch contacted us to provide them with a sack lifting solution using TAWI vacuum lifter. Avient was already aware of the product and its capabilities since Avient UK was already a happy TAWI customer and were kind enough to recommend our services to their KSA branch as well.
Modern Eastern successfully designed, installed and commissioned an overhead gantry crane mounted Vacuum Lifter at Avient Jeddah in record time and continue to offer them operator training and after sales service. The new solution removed the need for operators to manually lift sacks in production and provided a better and safe way at work in Avient.
Interested in a similar sack/bag lifter solution for your production facility? Please contact us for a free consultation.